The Story about Mario Teguh Family in MT Version

Mario Teguh family drama since the advent Kiswinar claiming to be a child that is not considered to be the motivator finally found a bright spot. Today, Monday, October 10, 2016, Mario was accompanied by his legal team held a press conference at the office of lawyer Elza Syarief, at Jalan Latuharhari S.H No. 19, Menteng, Jakarta.

On the occasion, the parties stated that Mario Teguh Mario Teguh never stated that Kiswinar not the son Mario. Shortly thereafter, Mario through his Facebook account to upload the contents of the press conference.

Mario Teguh the following statement as reported Harmony Motivation from your Facebook account Mario Teguh, Monday (10/10):

My good friend of his,God willing our last press conference went well. 

A letter of request for the execution of a DNA test on Mario and Kiswinar already submitted by Elza Syarief Law Office to the Police.Notice of the DNA test request letter has also been sent to Kiswinar and lawyer.With it we are only waiting for a call from the police for the implementation of the DNA test.-------------------- 

PRESS CONFERENCE MARIO TEGUH October 10, 2016 Elza Syarief Law OfficeI - Mario Teguh - never do not recognize Kiswinar as children born within marriage I had with Mrs. Aryani.The birth certificate is a legal document that states declare it, and I never turn it down until today. In the wedding I waited and longed for a child, to the extent that I made a vow that if Mrs. Aryani containing - I will go up to the roof of the house and crow like a rooster.You can imagine my happiness when a child is born in accordance with the prayer and my hope in God.I take care of her as a baby as I take care of my younger siblings, as taught by my father. In our family, the father a big role in the care of children in infancy.Kids that I loved growing in the proximity of the happy me, as a boy is more fitting to play around with my love of physical activity.In the quarrel of husband and wife or mother Aryani when angry, he often stated that Kiswinar not my child. At first I thought it was just an expression of the anger of a woman, but before the age of 5 years Kiswinar I began to feel that the words of Mother Aryani was serious.In 1991 I consulted with my brother, Dr. Danu - a gynecologist, who taught me about the concept of Fenotype, namely analysis to estimate the genetic similarity is based on physical appearance. Then Dr. Danu advocated a DNA test to verify the genetic Kiswinar as my son, in a rebuttal of Ms. Aryani answer.It also declared in an interview in tabloid Nova, No.1491 / XXIX, 19-25 September 2016, and the message WA to me, on 21 September 2016.Since 1991, I expressed the intention to carry out a DNA test to Kiswinar to Mother Aryani, which declined strongly. I request that lasted for two years, until we finally divorced in 1993.Every time I asked for a DNA test in the days after the divorce was, Mrs. Aryani still refused and repeated his statement that Kiswinar not my child. This made me as a father and a man felt so humiliated, as if I do not deserve to be father to Kiswinar.After birthday Kiswinar 17, I asked Mother Aryani to entitle the Kiswinar to know her biological father, through a notice by him or by me, or through a DNA test.At that time my mother forbade Aryani told Kiswinar about her biological father, and she stated that she was a mother who will tell Kiswinar. I agree, and requested a meeting with Kiswinar.Linna and my mother met with Sizzler Kiswinar in Kelapa Gading, which coincided with Ms. Linna plan and a colleague for grocery shopping festival a family tradition in the Kelapa Gading Mall.Speaking in the restaurant I asked whether Mas Come (my favorite calls to Kiswinar infancy) know who the father of the original Mas Come?He nodded, did not see or pointed to me and said 'Mr. X '.To my surprise, even though it has been years I heard the remarks of Mrs. Aryani that Kiswinar not my child, but hear themselves Kiswinar deny me - in front of my face - that I am not the father - still hurts.I was very hurt by the statement of the child I longed for his birth and I treated since the baby - who denies me and called other people rich, high-ranking officials influential as his father, while I was only pioneering career, is still living in a rented house that simple ,At that time I did not dare to demand or talk about it openly with Mrs. Aryani or wealthy people he called the father of the original, because the simplicity of our economy when it is not possible strong against the power of money and the influence of people who called his father was - if they bring an action against me.I tried to willingly accept the loss of a child to be a child of the male richer and more capable than me, while also withstand humiliation because I feel as a man who is not worth it.I decided to move on and be grateful for my current family, which for nearly 22 years with the permission of God to live in prosperity and happiness.On May 26, 2016 we were surprised by the news in @lambe_turah Instagram account, stating that I have a child 3 people, including Kiswinar.I was worried that Kiswinar and Mrs. Aryani can feel it is my attempt to recognize Kiswinar as my son. I am worried that I will be humiliated in public because I am still requires children who had denied me as his father in 2003.Since 2003 Kiswinar never corrected its denial, that I was not her biological father. Likewise, Mrs. Aryani never corrected his statement that Kiswinar not my child.To help Kiswinar and Mrs. Aryani felt at peace that I have received a denial by Kiswinar that I am not the biological father, I have uploaded a post about my family that has 2 children of Mrs. Linna.But I was shocked and confused, because Kiswinar perform at the Black and White in the Trans 7 on 7 September 2016, which is to say that I deny him as a child and abandoned over the years, whereas from 2003 until the date of 7 September 2016 it Kiswinar never contact me to convey greetings, respect, or affection to me as a father, and never retract his denial that I am not the father.The big question for me is why my first time with a quiet poor Kiswinar could tell me that I am not the father and call other people rich and influential as his father.Why now after life and I thank God good career, he appeared in public by discrediting me as a father who deny children and abandon them?Kiswinar enterprising present themselves as a child (when it was just 30 years old) are not recognized and neglected, so that the public railed at me as a father who abandoned her son, until she was emaciated like that.What happened to the rich people he describes as the real father? Where is he going?Why is he a rich man let Kiswinar grow as displaced children up emaciated like that?Or, so difficult was the life of his mother Aryani to appear as not well taken care of?What was the mother Aryani and the rich man called Kiswinar as the original father for 13 years from 2003 until 2016, so that such children are not maintained?As a person who still want good for men who as a baby I used to care, I feel sorry and sad with the situation Kiswinar were emaciated, but even sadder because keterlantarannya blame me, but it was the responsibility of mother and father who rich and influential - as said by Kiswinar.Then, another question arises:What if I am still poor as before, Kiswinar will come and seek recognition as it is today?Or if I had not known, whether it would be pointless he immediately appeared on television, which to this day as no television without Kiswinar - every day?And if a bond as a child with his father, and if there is affection as always pressed - why he did the public disclosure without first contacting me personally to talk about it as a child that he respects and loves his father.Why does he let people who he said was his father blasphemed and insulted as it is today, even in his own sosmed account?I am forced to express this in more detail, because Kiswinar not meet our invitation to discuss this matter amicably, but busy performing in many media with increasingly worsen the situation.I also should not regret the kindness of my life and family who may be the reason for him to appear and ask for the recognition now, or berhandai-handai that if I was poor he would not be crowded in public as it is now.Our lawyers sent invitations to Kiswinar to discuss a way out that is more peaceful, amicably. But as the answer, Kiswinar my report now claims as his father - to the police, but until this moment I have never done anything to remedy Kiswinar, children whose birth I pray sincerely and without a break.That is why I decided to end all this polemic by asking our General Counsel apply for the implementation of a DNA test to provide legal certainty for me, if my father Kiswinar or not.Hopefully with God opens brilliantly truth lies in this state, because this is important for my life and for the future of Kiswinar.AamiinMario TeguhWell, it seems we are just waiting for DNA test results. Although the story of a very different version of Mario with Kiswinar version, but Mario Teguh admitted Kiswinar birth certificate that has the force of law. What do you think?
The Story about Mario Teguh Family in MT Version The Story about Mario Teguh Family in MT Version Reviewed by Admin on 11:50:00 PM Rating: 5

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